The employees of our company have been working on the Development Strategy for the 2021-2027 programming period of the Hungarian-Croatian border region for a year. Within the framework of the commission, under the leadership of the Pannon European Territorial Association, HBH Ltd. and Logframe Ltd. prepared the situation analysis for the entire program area, the impact assessment of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Program 2014-2020 is currently underway, which analyzes and the conducted interviews and based on the experience of an online questionnaire survey, we will prepare the Joint Development Strategy and 5 Hungarian-Croatian strategic project proposals.
The concrete result of the work will be the preparation of the first two chapters of the new Hungarian-Croatian CBC program, which will designate the Program’s priorities and intervention directions for the next 7 years.
Although there is no final result yet, it can be said that based on the questionnaire filled out by 350 Hungarian and Croatian stakeholders, personal interviews and analyses, the most popular areas in terms of support policy are tourism, business development, nature conservation and energy.
By the spring of 2021, the first two chapters of the program have been completed, and if approved by the Hungarian-Croatian Program Committee and the European Commission, the Program can be finalized in the fall of 2020, which will be the basis for the Hungarian-Croatian CBC tenders expected to be announced at the beginning of 2022.