On November 14, 2022, the European Commission accepted the Hungary-Slovenia 2021-2027 Interreg Cross-Border Cooperation Program, the expert consortium, led by the Logframe Consulting Office, in cooperation with the Slovenian Iskriva Institute and the Hungarian VitalPro Kft. The programming process took two years and started in November 2020.For the 2021-2027 programming period, the program foresees a total of 14 million euros in EU co-financing for nature conservation, tourism, inter-institutional and civil sphere support. for cooperation projects between people. The largest budget, 55% of the funds, goes to the tourism projects that are typically the most popular, nature conservation is a new element compared to the previous program, which covers 30% of the funds. In the new program, the proportion of EU co-financing will be 80%. The publication of the first call for tenders is expected at the beginning of 2023. Non-profit organizations from Vas and Zala counties on the Hungarian side, and Muramente and Drávamente regions on the Slovenian side can apply for the program.